All the cousins at the Baylor Game!
Annalise, Andon, Alee, Isabella, MR, Drew
We were swallowed by the beginning of the school year, but we're slowly coming to surface. We've been crazy busy with school, Dr. appointments, rehearsals, and Andy's going out of town for work!!!
Drew's been great at school. He's already memorized the Pledge of Allegiance and he's also learning all of the states and captiols! Drew's also already moved onto his second girlfriend of the year. He was also cleared in his latest run of scans and blood work!
MR is still growing and almost as big as his cousin Alee-who's almost a whole year older than he is!!!! He loves his school and big brother and smiles all the time!
Last night we attended the Longhorn Game and got to meet Eddie after the game. He had another friend visiting him so he took all of us on a tour around the Longhorn facilities! We got to see all of the trophies, the weight room, the locker room, the meeting rooms, the training rooms, and Drew got to run up and down the field and score some touchdowns!

National Championship Trophies!

Eddie's locker

Colt's locker

Rose Bowl Ring (Eddie's roommate's)
Touching the horns for luck

Drew's Quote of the Week: (to his dad)
"I can't believe we're both here!"