Andy went to pick the boys up early from school so they could witness the snow fall! It was crazy! Drew wasn't feeling well so he didn't get to play too much. We thought he was just being lazy but he had to stay home the next day from school - explosions again!
Drew's getting a bit big for his "britches:" On Tuesday he informed his teacher he couldn't sit next to anyone because he had a cold and he didn't want to get anyone else sick! At first thought you'd think he was being "snooty" but I honestly think he was looking out for everyone. But, just when I reassure myself that he's not "snooty" his teacher informs me that he told her he needed to go sit somewhere else because the "children were annoying him." The only thing she could say - besides chuckle - was that she agreed! When we got in the car he asked about his new school. I was glad because I thought it meant his teacher had been talking to him about a new school for kindergarten and preparing them for after the summer. But he didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned kindergarten. He said he meant that he was ready to go to college - "tomorrow" he said!
MR is rolling rolling rolling and making sure he's getting a voice in when he can! He definitely makes sure he's heard. He makes the same consistent sounds for bottle, Dad, and brother (we think). I've gotten one accidental "mamamama" so I guess that's enough for me now! He loooooooves his big brother and laughs with a big smile when he goes with me to pick Drew up from his room at school. He gets so excited to see him. But, then again, he gets excited to see almost anyone!
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