So last weekend was Drew's weekend! ...lots of family came to see his first soccer game!!! He told me the day before he was going to score "1000 goals!" (Kinda reminded me of Austin Powers' "1 million dollars!") It was quite an experience! Coach Andy was handed basically every kid that's never played a game until now! All 5 of them - 2 petite girls and 3 of the scrawniest boys you can find were all playing their first game! And our poor little runt was behind most of the time. All the players were pretty rough and falling all over the place, but Drew had some big moments. Within the first few minutes he started getting scared for some reason...I guess because there was a lot of running and yelling and just plain chaos....PS - he didn't start the game...this all happened from the sidelines. He fell down and got kicked in the head at one point...off the field crying. He got knocked down again, someone fell on top of him, then someone fell on top of that someone- all while getting his pinky finger stomped on....off the field crying. Coach put him back in, but his finger was still hurting and he just stood there at the herd of children rumbled past him...off the field crying. The only way to get him to play hard was to remind him that we would only go "I-Love-Garden" if he played. So we went out there and ran up and down and even got to kick a bit down the field. One moment it was Drew and the ball and the goal...he got so excited at the moment of kicking all by himself - smiling while running - that he slowed up and the herd caught up with him...no goal. After an hour of soccer - yes, the 10 year old referee had trouble keeping up with time - he was exhausted. We headed to "I-Love-Garden" and he ate ALL of his spaghetti! The pictures were taken by Mimi who made Drew look like a professional. If you were to only look at the pictures...this was not the full story!

The giant blonde kid next to Drew is really a normal size kid!
See video below for Drew's improvement on getting the ball into the goal. Maybe eventually he'll get his "1000 goals!"
Drew's quote of the week: "What's strategy?"
Mom forgot to mention that Drew-man had him a couple of break aways. Big time plays. Keep working big man. Uncle Rafe
HE looks like a PRO!!!! I love it!
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